Fireproof Blanket – FB01-15
FB01-15 Fireproof Blanket is an industry leading fire resistant wrap consisting of a ceramic fiber blanket encapsulated with a scrim-reinforced foil. It provides a flexible, non-combustible enclosure for duct or cable tray applications. The thermal insulation of FB01-15 can be used in combination with Listed systems to provide a “T” rating to penetrating items.
FB01-15 Fireproof Blanket is easily trimmed to different sizes to fit any installation and can be easily installed to wrap air ducts or metal conduit and cable tray. Lightweight and highly flexible for easy installation, asbestos free, low flame spread and smoke development, FB01-15 offers excellent fire resistant performance.
Meets the intent of LEED® VOC environmental air quality requirements
- Refer to applicable certification directory or www.paintoprotect.com for listed assemblies.
- Ensure application area is clean and free of oil, loose d irt, rust or scale.
- Cut the FB01-15 to a length sufficient to wrap completely around the perimeter of the duct or cable tray, making sure to provide an overlap of 4” or as specified in Listed assembly. Use AL foil tape to seal the cut edge.
- Cut the n ext ad jacent wr ap of FB01-15 t o o verlap th e previous adjacent wrap at least 3” or as specified in Listed assembly. Use INSS2460 to adhere the overlap portion and AL foil tape to seal the cut edges of the blanket.
- Install banding or tie wire around the FB01-15 to hold it in place.

Thickness: 13 mm
Width: 600 mm or 1200 mm
Length: 7200 mm in Roll Max.
Temperature: 1260° C (2300° F)
Density: 128 Kg/m Tensile
Strength: .05 Kg/cm
Package: 600 mm – 2 per box 1200 mm – 1 per box
Performance: 50+ years HOAC tested

Fireproof Blanket – FB01-15

FB01-15 Fireproof Blanket is an industry leading fire resistant wrap consisting of a ceramic fiber blanket encapsulated with a scrim-reinforced foil. It provides a flexible, non-combustible enclosure for duct or cable tray applications. The thermal insulation of FB01-15 can be used in combination with Listed systems to provide a “T” rating to penetrating items.
FB01-15 Fireproof Blanket is easily trimmed to different sizes to fit any installation and can be easily installed to wrap air ducts or metal conduit and cable tray. Lightweight and highly flexible for easy installation, asbestos free, low flame spread and smoke development, FB01-15 offers excellent fire resistant performance.
Meets the intent of LEED® VOC environmental air quality requirements
- Refer to applicable certification directory or www.paintoprotect.com for listed assemblies.
- Ensure application area is clean and free of oil, loose d irt, rust or scale.
- Cut the FB01-15 to a length sufficient to wrap completely around the perimeter of the duct or cable tray, making sure to provide an overlap of 4” or as specified in Listed assembly. Use AL foil tape to seal the cut edge.
- Cut the n ext ad jacent wr ap of FB01-15 t o o verlap th e previous adjacent wrap at least 3” or as specified in Listed assembly. Use INSS2460 to adhere the overlap portion and AL foil tape to seal the cut edges of the blanket.
- Install banding or tie wire around the FB01-15 to hold it in place.
Thickness: 13 mm
Width: 600 mm or 1200 mm
Length: 7200 mm in Roll Max.
Temperature: 1260° C (2300° F)
Density: 128 Kg/m Tensile
Strength: .05 Kg/cm
Package: 600 mm – 2 per box 1200 mm – 1 per box
Performance: 50+ years HOAC tested